love these wreaths, don't you? they're by emily thompson, found on design*sponge blog. i never thought about making anything like that for the stall! oh well, there's always next year!
i thought selvedge had some pegs at the last stall we were at...found them on their drygoods site. go to entire range, then east of india haberdashery and scroll down!

i also found these amazing stamps by norajane on etsy:check them out here! i LOVE the pine cone one...and the acorn one...and the hedgehog!
doing lots of internet research; unfortunately i'm back in bed, turns out i wasn't really feeling better after all. doctor is tomorrow. doing this and that when i have the energy...and buying beads on ebay!
was going to come down to see you at your book fair, but i checked train prices and it seems they have gone up :( rubbish :(
wow did you see the fern stamp? thats awesome. expensive pegs; i will find some somewhere else. really cool wreaths too; thanks for the inspiration jo-bags. sorry your not well still; is the the old GF back again?