3 Dec 2010

it doesn't always work

My hessian pot covers still aren't hemmed.

I was making peppermint bark last night and my ganache irreversably split.I started a wreath with lovely red twigs but haven't tied in all the ends yet.

At least i finished my christmas cards and am pleased with them.

Now i just have to write and post them. How much is 50 stamps? *cringe*


  1. How much ARE 50 stamps..... now I sound like Mum...

    Anyway; so it ended up with cream with chocolate chunks floating in it??????? Wreath twigs look so nice; do you even need to tie in the ends, it might look nice left? And I love your cards; I finished all mine last night; will blog them later, just need to actually WRITE them now...


  2. i just noticed; Nestle?????? Evil!

  3. WE ARE SO CONNECTED when i bought the chocolate it didnt say nestle on it anywhere...until i opened and it was printed all over the bar!!! i shouted chris into the kitchen yelling 'they lied! its evil chocolate!' lol!!!
