14 Feb 2011

my dress plan

These links go to 3 different lovely ladies on flickr, who have all made dresses from the same pattern i plan to use for my wedding dress. It's one by Anna Maria Horner, and i plan to make it in the floor-length, short sleeved version (like the last link).




now to give you an idea of the fabric and style of the dress look at these:

this one shows how floaty it will be, but mine will be a soft cream colour. that's the shape of the skirt i will be going for.this one's just showing how i plan to use plain cream cotton (lawn) underneath, and layer it with muslin. also like this dress i'm going to put some bits of lace around the top or patched on the skirt.

this is the right kind of shape (apart from not being maternity!) and the right kind of pale cream natural muslin colour.

now you'll have to use your imaginations, cause i can't find a photo of the dress i have in my head!


  1. the first link isnt working....

    so the dress will have two layers?

  2. oh saw this and thought might be useful: http://apracticalwedding.com/2009/01/how-to-make-wedding-dress/ - make it in calico first¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

  3. no cant get the first one to link for some reason lol, doesnt matter! yes 2 layers....maybe 3!
