10 Jan 2013

lip balm

 making m strawberry flavour lip balm :) with all-natural strawberry extract made in canada by actually distilling REAL strawberries! when you smell the bottle it's amazing, strawberry fields forever!!
 the basic principal of making a creamy, smooth balm is to mix a wax with an oil. so i used some local beeswax, melted it together with some EU pressed almond oil high in vitamin E, some honey for it's natural antibacterial properties and the strawberry extract.

these fab labels were from angela! for jam jars, but that doesn't matter!

and it all took less than an hour! woo! want to try soap-making at some point. is there anywhere in london that does workshops i wonder? hope our throat gets better soon. i woke up today with a sore throat. going to take some vitamins and honey! xxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. woo hoo! lip balm! did you make any honey flavour ones? sore throat again? oh no! hot lemon & honey immediately!
