28 May 2011

feedback via annoying iphone internet

this is difficult, I just published a blank post! Lol.
well I love that first key printed tie, its so Celtic and cool. Chris says you don't wear a tie with the kilt shirt I don't think it has a collar. unfortunately!
Love the doilies so much! They will be perfect. will have to remember to ask mum if she can bring those old wooden crates we had on our stall to make different levels on the table.
just finished cutting out the pattern for my wedding dress, this week I will be making a trial run in whatever fabric I have on hand to check the fit and drape. will look for my camera cable so I can post pictures of dress and hunting in progress!
That's all for now I can't stand this touchscreen thing!
Jo x x x

1 comment:

  1. damn; shame. how we going to get him to fit the theme then?>
